Our Ethos
Christ Church National School Waterford is a Church of Ireland Co-educational Primary School under the patronage of the Bishop of Cashel Ferns and Ossory.
The characteristic spirit of the School is Christian, mediated through the teaching and witness of the Anglican Communion in general and the Church of Ireland in particular. The school is most true to itself when it provides education to the highest standards within this context. Therefore, a diversity is cherished which seeks the best for each pupil; mind, body and spirit within a unity which enfolds the general good for the benefit of all. A spirit of mutual tolerance and respect, with a concern for the needs of others and the environment, is fostered daily.
In all things at all times, the School takes seriously its duty of care and endeavours to provide a context for the educational development of each child which is attentive and supportive, safe and welcoming, within the perimeters of curriculum and resources, space and time.
A spirit of partnership is encouraged and welcomed between the constituent parts of the School; The Department of Education and Skills, The Patron, The Board of Management, Staff, Parents, Pupils and Parish, with social as well as fund raising events being arranged on a regular basis.
The School has a valued place within the life of the Cathedral Parish and its clergy have a regular and welcome place at assembly and in the classroom. Pupils are encouraged to develop a sense of friendship with God in Christ, by participating in the life of their respective churches and in the places where they live and play in the spirit of the values of the Gospel
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