Mrs Cook’s class had a special treat on the last day of February – a visit to the playpark. The sun was shining and everyone had great fun.
Mrs Hemmingway’s class have been learning all about food in Irish this term, and so they put that knowledge to good use and baked brioscaí sceallaí seacláide (chocolate chip cookies) and borróga sceallaí seacláide (chocolate chip buns). They worked in groups, using recipes as Gaeilge, and spoke as much Irish as they could throughout the process. Everything turned out delicious – we are only sorry that we forgot to photograph the platefuls of goodies before all was eaten!
Two teams from Mrs Duggan’s and Mrs Hemmingway’s classes entered the Credit Union quiz this year, which was held in the Woodlands Hotel on 13th February. The competition at this quiz is always very tough, and the questions are difficult, but both of our teams did well under the circumstances.

Tuesday 11th February was Safer Internet Day in Ireland, and during the week, every class learned something about keeping safe online. Mrs Hemmingway’s class created these posters, which are on display throughout the school, to remind us to be careful online. They offer some good advice: Think before you click. Don’t share your password like your toothbrush. Don’t get caught by the net. If it looks weird, don’t click it. Stay in the light, don’t go to shady sites.

The day of our Peace Proms concert finally arrived – and we had a ball. The video below will give you a tiny flavour of the atmosphere and the excitement of the night. Some of the photos are from the break between the final rehearsal and the performance, the rest were taken by the official photographer during the performance, and the audio is from the performance of the Dance Medley when the audience were invited to get on their feet and join in too!
All the children in 4th, 5th and 6th classes have been learning the songs and the moves for our Peace Proms concert which will take place on Sunday 26th January in SETU Arena. This year, we also had to make up our own moves for the Dance Medley. A number of children volunteered to choreograph part of the medley, and as you can see from the video below, they did an amazing job – both creating the moves and then performing them in front of the camera so that the rest of the choir could learn them too.
On the last day of term, we said farewell to Ms McGeary who has been teaching 4th and 5th class this term. Ms McGeary has been a terrific asset to the school. We wish her well in her new job, and we look forward to welcoming Mrs Duggan back in January.

Our Christmas party was on 17th December and we began the day with a riotous performance from the Little Red Kettle theatre company. As usual, many of our children starred in the show – some of them almost unrecognisable and displaying hitherto unknown talents!
We also had some special visitors from the North Pole! They visited every classroom. The children asked them questions, and told them jokes. Some of the classes sang, Santa and Mrs Claus were given some homemade Christmas cake, and everyone received a gift.
2nd class maths have been learning about 3-D shapes. The new maths curriculum is all about investigating and discovering, and the children came up with these fabulous 3-D creations for Christmas.

The last day in school before the midterm break was our Hallowe’en dress-up day as usual. Children (and staff) could come dressed in their costumes, wearing their pyjamas, or just as themselves! We had not just one dinosaur, but two, in Assembly!
We were delighted to welcome Reverend Sahr to Assembly on the last day before midterm. He spoke to all the children, prayed with us, and taught us a new song. Then he spent time in the Junior and Senior Infants classroom, where he read them the story “Handa’s Surprise”, and told them what it was like to grow up in a small village in Sierra Leone.

On 11th October, we took part in the annual #GoOrangeForSolas day. Children (and staff) were invited to wear something orange to school, or bring something orange in their lunchbox, and also to bring a donation in aid of the Solas Cancer Support Centre in Waterford. There was plenty of orange to be seen in school that day – and in Assembly we had an orange raffle, where almost all of the prizes were orange! We raised just under €460 for this important local service – well done and thank you to everyone who helped.
26th September was the first ever national SNA Appreciation Day. We are fortunate to have such caring, dedicated and capable SNAs in our school. We celebrated by giving Ms Hanlon and Ms Ryan – and also Mrs Meharg, our office administrator – a small gift in Assembly, and then all the children sang “For they are jolly good fellows” for them. Ms O’Keeffe wasn’t in school that day, but she received her gift later and the children sang for her too!

We were delighted to welcome Reverend Daniel to Assembly for the first time on 12th September, and look forward to his visits and what he can teach us – and maybe we can teach him some new songs!

Happy First Day Back lunch today for Junior and Senior Infants – with smiles to light up their classroom!